

This page will share scripts that I’ve written that help with various network automation and assessment tasks.


PeerPal is a python script written to aid in BGP peering configurations.

The script takes in two different ASNs and, reading from the PeeringDB API, will find where the ASNs have common peering points. You can then select from the list which sites you wish to configure peerings for. Having specified the Operating System (IOS/XR) and various other parameters (like peer-groups and passwords) in a local config file, PeerPal will generate the CLI config needed to paste onto the router to set up the peering.

The GitHub repo for PeerPal can be found here.

Coming soon…

I’m currently working on a basic templating tool, which takes in an allows you to input a templated router configuration file and apply it to json file to bulk generate configs. I’ve also implemented some basic netmiko scripting to automate IOS, XR and Nexus configuration which I hope to have up soon.